County Code and Design Review

County Code and Design Review – Height and Setbacks for Pole Structures

The project descriptions and drawings are vague and incomplete as to whether the proposed lighting structures conform to the County’s development codes and regulations.  The application does not describe if, or if so, how the 80-foot poles are consistent with the County’s code.  The height limits in residential R1 areas are 30 feet for structures and 15 feet for accessory structures per Section 22.10.040.  See current county code here.

Some exceptions exist in the code but it is unclear how these proposed structures should be categorized under the code.

There is also the question of setbacks for proposed new structures in the application.  In reviewing Plans Page C1.0 of the proposed project application, the southern most pole structure on the drawing bordering the Bay Club property appears to have no effective setback from the pole and accompanying structure to support the pole.  The combination of the 80-foot size of the pole and the lack of meaningful setback appears to be inconsistent with the Code.  It is also unclear what is the effective setback for the western pole on the other side of the home bleachers in the drawing.

The application should be deemed incomplete regarding these issues and the application should be clarified whether variances are required regarding the height of the poles as well as necessary setbacks for the poles.

Marin County Zoning Map
Marin Catholic is within a residential zone (R1 – B2) which imposes specific limitations on the allowable height for any structure.