MC is the WRONG place for a lighted stadium
On November 21st, 2016, the Marin County Planning Division indicated to Marin Catholic that their proposal for field lights is not consistent with the Mandatory Use Permit.
Now, MC is back at it, attempting once again to force its neighbors to accept a lighted stadium in our own backyard, and forego the quiet enjoyment of our own homes. Add your voice to the long list of neighbors saying NO!
Our Neighborhood
As residents of Greenbrae, Kentfield, and Larkspur, we need to take a stand against Marin Catholic's attempt to transform the place we call home.
Noise and Lights
Greatly increased noise levels and nighttime glare from the lights are two of the most obvious problems with this plan.
The Environment
Marin Catholic is immediately adjacent to the Corte Madera Creek Wetlands area, a sensitive habitat for wildlife and plant species which may be damaged as a result of stadium noise and lights.
This is the view of Marin Catholic stadium from one of the homes on the Greenbrae hillside. Sounds travels unimpeded directly from the field to these homes. The amphitheatre effect of the hills ensures that every call, whistle, and cheer from the field is clearly heard by hillside residents, as well as hundreds of residents in other surrounding areas such as Spyglass Hill, Hillview Gardens, and the Bacich / Creekside area. Sound waves travel much more efficiently in the cool evening temperatures, virtually guaranteeing disruptive noise through 10 pm most nights of the year.
The Creekside Tidal Wetlands area is also visible immediately behind the stadium. The effect of increased noise and light on this sensitive habitat and the endangered species that nest there requires a detailed study and full CEQA review.
Lighted arenas and the myth of deterrence
Community Letters
Join your neighbors in supporting the Preserve Ross Valley movement
Marin County
Follow the Marin Catholic High School Design Review / Use Permit (P1123) on the county site
Friends of Corte Madera Creek
Our local organization focused on the health of the tidal wetlands and the species that inhabit them
We believe the Marin Catholic lighting proposal is very one-sided. A single private school will enjoy the benefit, but an entire neighborhood will pay the price.
Good Neighbors
Is MC truly the "good neighbor" it claims to be?
Other CA Tales
Video & articles from other communities on how damaging field lights are.
EIR Issues
What is an EIR and why is MC's attempt to skip it so problematic?
Contact US
Join us today and protect the neighborhood you love!