Marin Catholic Receives 90 Day Extension

After last month’s letter from the Planning Division of the Marin County Community Development Agency, Marin Catholic was given until December 15 to decide whether they wanted to present one or more alternatives to the Planning Commission.  As expected, they have applied for an extension (90 days).  The extension was granted, pushing the deadline back to March 15th, 2017.

As we know, the project as it currently stands does not appear consistent with the Mandatory Use permit and the Planning Division has said it will take it to the Planning Commission with a recommendation for denial. Staff from the Planning Division provided us with a general outline of some of the possible scenarios from there:

  • If the Planning Commission supports the project, we would be back to environmental review.
  • If the Planning Commission does not support the project, the resolution for denial could be appealed to the Board.
  • If the Board supports the project, we would be back to environmental review.

As always, we will keep you apprised of any new developments.

MC Lights Project Extended Once Again